Join us on March 7 for a panel with experts discussing the 1115 Waiver and AHEAD opportunities

Care Team Recruitment & Training

Evidence-based, scalable and sustainable pipeline of Care Navigators and Community Health Care Workers ready to power success in your care model and VBP contracts.

Rapid recruitment and training of capable individuals with lived experience matching that of the community needs. Training customized to optimize support of current operations and includes specialty training for higher risk populations.

Our Approach

Turn-key operation with tailored workflow design

Recruitment focused on diversity and linguistic competency reflective of local community

Comprehensive skills training aligned with the organizations’ mission, values, and strategy

Deep relationships with local academic institutions and community partners


E. Dubois

Elizabeth DuBois, DNP

Principal & COO

Carlene Zincke, RN

Principal & Senior Vice President

Marissa Morris-Murray

Vice President

Lindsey Patton

Vice President