Join us on March 7 for a panel with experts discussing the 1115 Waiver and AHEAD opportunities

Medical Assistant Training

Curated training programs delivering large-scale pipelines of certified medical assistants ready to fill critical vacancies.

Graduates fully onboarded at 18 weeks, providing partial FTE support within practice locations within 8 weeks while completing program requirements.

COPE Health Solutions manages all operational aspects of the program from marketing and recruitment to student instruction and underlying tech enablement!

Our Approach

Turn-key operation with tailored workflow design

Recruitment focused on diversity and linguistic competency reflective of local community

Comprehensive skills training aligned with the organizations’ mission, values, and strategy

Deep relationships with local academic institutions and community partners


E. Dubois

Elizabeth DuBois, DNP

Principal & COO

Lindsey Patton

Vice President

Gagan Kaur

Senior Consultant